3. NightsBridge Offline Calendar (V6)

How do I mark a booking from Booking.com as a no show on NightsBridge?

This tutorial will explain how to mark a Booking.com booking as a no show in NightsBridge.

Go to the Booking and Payment status page of the booking to mark as a No Show

Please look at our tutorial on how to view the Bookings and Payments status of a booking. You can:

  • Search for the booking using the 8-digit NightsBridge ID,
  • Find the booking in Quick View,
  • Click on the Payment ID on the Payments page.

Mark the booking as a No Show

On the Booking and Payments status page for the booking, under Payment Transactions, click the No Show button.

** NB! ** This option is only visible and valid after the day of arrival.

The button will be removed 2 days after departure, e.g. if the departure date of the booking is on 15/10/2016, the button will be removed on 18/10/2016.

Choose on how to deal with the card reversal fee

Choose if you want the guest to take on the cost of the card reversal or if you will.

The booking will be reported to Booking.com as a No Show

Booking.com will send the guest an email to confirm with them whether or not they actually stayed at your property.

The booking will then be cancelled on Booking.com and NightsBridge will send you an email to notify you of this.

Next Article How do I Modify a Reservation on the Booking.com Extranet?