3. NightsBridge Offline Calendar (V6)

How to retire duplicate clients?

Open your NightsBridge desktop calendar.

With your NightsBridge desktop calendar open, click on "Clients" on the menu, then "Client Retire" from the dropdown options.

Click on Clients & Client Delete

On the Retire Client pop up window:

Step 1.

Click on "Select Client to Retire".

A new window will pop up, prompting you to search for a client.

Start typing to search for the duplicate.

Once you see the duplicate you would like to retire, double-click to select it.

Step 2.

Click on "Select Replacement Client".

As with step 1, another window will pop up.

Start typing to find the client you would like to replace the duplicate with.

Once you found the replacement client, double-click to select it.

Step 3.

Click on "Retire Client".

You will be asked to confirm if you are happy to delete the client selected in step 1 off your database.

If you are, click "Yes".

A notification window will pop up, letting you know that the client is successfully retired.

Click "OK" to dismiss this.

Exit, then Synchronise.

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