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How to make a booking? (Detailed Method)
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Bookings Making and cancelling bookings
How do I make a booking? (Quick method)
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Bookings Making and cancelling bookings
How Do I Search For An Account?
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Guest accounts Modifying accounts
How do I issue a journal entry?
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Guest accounts Managing payments and corrections on guest accounts
How Do I Generate a Statement for a Client?
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Guest accounts Managing Invoices and credit notes on guest accounts
How do I generate a credit note?
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Guest accounts Managing Invoices and credit notes on guest accounts
How to correct a payment which has been entered incorrectly
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Guest accounts Managing payments and corrections on guest accounts
How do I capture a refund payment I made to a client?
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Guest accounts Managing payments and corrections on guest accounts
How do I move a booking to a new account?
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Guest accounts Modifying accounts
How do I move a booking into an existing account?
ArticleHow NightsBridge works Guest accounts Modifying accounts