NightsBridge V6 Tutorials

How to reverse a credit card payment via PayBridge

Learn how to reverse a guest's credit card payment.

If the booking payment has already been made to you from us, we will first need you to refund our bank before we can reverse the guest's payment.

Log into NightsBridge

Please look at our tutorial on How To Login to NightsBridge if you need a reminder.

Search for the booking

On the menu, enter the 8-digit NB-Booking ID and click Go.

Scroll down to Payment Transactions

Click reverse card icon.

Click on the Reverse Card icon. (2 arrows making a circle)

Choose amount to reverse

  1. Choose amount to reverse
  2. Click Reverse.
  • Full Reversal

This option means NightsBridge will reverse the full amount back onto the card and you (the property) fund the card fee. The card holder will receive the full amount they paid when making the booking.

  • Reversal LESS card fee

This option means the card holder is liable to pay the bank transaction cost so the reversal will be their full amount minus the card fee.

Important: If you decide to use this option you'll have to change your policies (T&Cs) and communicate them clearly to guests prior to booking. Your cancellation policy might state, for example: "We reserve the right to not refund card fees (transaction costs) in the case of any cancellation or situation where funds need to be reversed back to a credit card."

  • Partial Reversal

This option lets you manually enter an amount to reverse. With partial reversals you will be liable for the card fee and the bank transaction cost.

Click Reverse.

You will receive a confirmation of the reversal, or NightsBridge will send you to instructions to EFT them the money to process the reversal, because the money has already been paid into your bank account.

The funds may take up to 10 days to reflect in the guest's account depending on their bank.

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