You can generate a credit card link for a guest to make payment.
Go to Booking and Payments Status page
You can get to the Booking and Payments Status page in a few ways:
Open the booking from your calendar and click on 'View Payment Status and Booking History'.
Click 'Quick View' on the Main Menu.
Find the booking you want to generate the credit card link for and click 'View Booking and Payment Status' button.
- Enter the 8-digit booking ID in the search field on the Main Menu.
- Click 'Go'.
Generate the credit card link
On the Booking and Payment Status page, scroll down to the 'Payment Transactions' section, and click on View Credit Card Link.
Choose to enable 3D-Secure (3DS) or not
If you are on PayBridge, we recommend that 3D secure is enabled. Please look at our tutorial on How 3D secure payments work if you need more information on this.
You will be asked if you want 3D secure to be enabled.
Are you using PayBridge or an alternative payment gateway?
Click on 'Yes' to enable 3DS. This will trigger the sending of a one time-pin (OTP) to the guest.
The guest will need to enter the pin to continue with processing payment.
Click on 'No' - no extra verification will be done with/by the bank.
A confirmation of your selection will appear.
Select 'Non 3D-Link' - this confirms that you are aware of the security risks associated with non-3D Secure transactions.
If you're not using PayBridge or another connected payment gateway, the payment will not be processed when the guest enters their credit card details.
These card details will only be stored safely in NightsBridge for you to view and manually process using your own card facility.
Copy or open the credit card link
- Click 'Copy' if you want to send the URL (the link) to the guest in an email or another communication method.
The guest can then enter their own card details to process the payment themselves. - Click 'Open' the URL if the guest is present to process the payment with you or you have the credit card information available to process.
The credit card link is only valid for 3 days. For security purposes, we would not want personal information to be available any longer.