How to link NightsBridge to Agoda YCS
You will need to have an existing profile on Agoda YCS for NightsBridge to connect to.
Do you have an existing account?
- You will need to set NightsBridge as the channel manager.
- Follow these steps on how to set NightsBridge as the channel manager.
- Once you have set NightsBridge as the channel manager, please reach out to us with your Agoda Hotel ID and the NightsBridge team will complete the connection for you.
- You will receive an email from us when the connection is active.
- You will need to sign up with Agoda first, then let us know once the account is ready for us to link to.
- How to register your property with Agoda YCS.
- Once registered on Agoda YCS, you will need to set NightsBridge as the channel manager.
- Once you have set NightsBridge as the channel manager, please reach out to us with your Agoda Hotel ID and the NightsBridge team will complete the connection for you.
- You will receive an email from us when the connection is active