Google Hotels and Google Vacation Rentals do not display all the NightsBridge rates and availability features for a property. This list shows which NightsBridge features are, and which are not, shown on Google Hotels and Google Vacation Rentals.
These restrictions only affect the rates and availability information displaying on Google's front end. They do not impact the actual booking engine. The accurate rates and availability information will display on the NightsBridge booking engine.
NightsBridge Feature | It is displayed on Google Hotels? |
Same day availability |
Yes |
Same day Cut off time |
Yes |
Minimum Advance | No |
Minimum stays |
Yes |
Minimum stay call offs |
No |
Full Close Out |
Yes |
Closed for Arrival |
No |
Closed for Departure |
No |
Rate Discount - Basic | Yes |
Rate Discount - Rate Grid |
Yes |
Rate Discount - Last minute |
Yes |
Rate Discount - Early bird |
Yes |
Rate Discount - Long stay |
Yes |
Specials and Packages |
No |
STO rates | Yes (if using Web Rates) |
Cancellation Policies | No |
Cleaning Fee | Yes |
NightsBridge Feature | It is displayed on Google Vacation Rentals? |
Same day availability |
Yes |
Same day Cut off time |
Yes |
Minimum Advance | No |
Minimum stays |
Yes |
Minimum stay call offs |
No |
Full Close Out |
Yes |
Closed for Arrival |
No |
Closed for Departure |
No |
Rate Discount - Basic | Yes |
Rate Discount - Rate Grid |
Yes |
Rate Discount - Last minute |
Yes |
Rate Discount - Early bird |
Yes |
Rate Discount - Long stay |
Yes |
Specials and Packages |
No |
STO rates | Yes (if using Web Rates) |
Cancellation Policies | No |
Cleaning Fee | Yes |
Occupancy | Yes |
Photos | Yes |