Take guests 'straight-to-the-rate' with one-click booking links.
These links are unique website addresses for each of your promo code offers that you can use as a text link or add to a button in your marketing.
These links reduce the number of clicks required to get a bookable rate in front of your potential guest. Less 'friction' means higher conversion rate. And all these bookings are commission-free!
Open the Rate Discounts in setup.
The link is available next to the Promo Code name field.
The Promo Code that's been set up will be used in the link (URL). If you edit or change the Promo Code, the link will break.
How do Promo Code 'straight-to-the-rate' links works?
Clicking on this on this link automatically redirects to the properties booking form.
- The link will be displayed in the browser address bar.
- The Promo Code will be automatically entered in the Promo Code box.
- The Promo Code name will appear next to the rates.
- The Promo Code percentage discount will be automatically applied and shown as a strikethrough of that date's best available rate.
What can Promo Code 'straight-to-the-rate' booking links be used for?
Increase direct bookings
There are multiple ways you can use the links to help drive direct bookings on your booking form:
- Copy the link into your email marketing campaigns;
- Use the link on social media ads (Facebook, Instagram);
- Encourage bookings from past guests by providing them with a link to get access to a special discount rate;
- Reward good customers with extra discounts.
- Offer unique discount rates to groups or organisations.
Testing how your rates will appear on your booking form
If you want to be sure how your rates will be affected by Promo Codes you can use these links to test how they appear your booking form.