3. NightsBridge Offline Calendar (V6)

How to add a cleaning fee on the Booking.com Extranet

This tutorial will guide you through adding a cleaning fee to a Booking.com listing.

Should you have more than one listing, this process would need to be completed for each active Booking.com listing (each Hotel ID) in your Booking.com Group Home Page.

Please note:
When using a payment gateway to automatically transact booking payments through NightsBridge, only the accommodation portion of the booking total is sent to NightsBridge for processing. Billing information on booking extras is not received from Booking.com.
Payment for a cleaning fee, and any other extras, will need to be obtained from the guest directly.

Log into Booking.com

Go to 'Policies'

  1. On the menu, click 'Property'.
  2. In the drop-down list, click 'Policies'.

Add the cleaning fee

Scroll down to the 'Additional fees & charges' section.

Click 'Edit'.

  1. Select 'Yes' to expand the options.
  2. Select 'Cleaning fee' from the options in the drop-down list.

Indicate whether the cleaning fee is included in or excluded from the rate.

If the cleaning fee is an additional charge above the rate, select 'No'.

Indicate the 'Payment type'

Select the appropriate payment type.

Booking.com offers three ways to charge the a cleaning fee:

  • a cost per night,
  • a cost per stay,
  • a percentage (%) of the booking total.

Add the cleaning fee rate

  1. Add the amount to be charged for the cleaning fee.
  2. 'Save'.

The changes are now saved

The cleaning fee will now be visible as an additional fee within the Policies section.

It will also be displayed within the listing

  • The cleaning fee will be indicated during the booking process within the price summary for the person booking.

Changes within the Extranet take some time to update to the public page of your listing on Booking.com.

Allow a few minutes for this change to update.

Should you need help or run into a problem, the link below will offer guidance on how best to contact Booking.com for assistance.

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