3. NightsBridge Offline Calendar (V6)

How do I move a booking to a new account for a different client?

This tutorial will explain how to move a booking to a new account for a different client.  You may need to do this if you need to change who is going to invoiced for the booking while leaving the original account intact.

Click here for a tutorial explaining how to open the NightsBridge calendar (PCBridge).

Open the specific booking you would like to move.

Double-click on the booking that needs to be moved. This will open the Booking Details window for that specific booking.

Click on the "View invoice/payment details" button.

Under the Account Information section - click on the calculator button.

This will open a new pop-up window. This window is the main account for this booking where the accommodation will be charged to.

It will show all unsettled bookings, extras etc., under this specific account only.

Double click on the booking that you would like to move

Double click on the booking that you would like to move under the "Items linked to this account" section.

A new pop-window will appear, named "Change account for item."

At the top, you will see the booking ID, arrival and departure dates, as well as the guest's name. This is the item that you're moving (the one you've double clicked).

Select: "Move it to another client"

In this scenario, I am going to now move the second booking into a new account but under a different client. This means that the person who is going to pay for the second booking will be different from the first booking.

Search for the client you would like to invoice the booking to.

If the client is existing, you can search for them by typing in their name/surname/company/clientID.

If the client is not yet in the system, you would then need to add them as a new client.

It's always best practice to try search for the client first before adding a new client to prevent duplications and issues with your statements.

If you want to know more about how to change the client you're invoicing, click here.

Double click on the client to select.

In this case, the client already exists. If they are not existing, you will have to add a new client.

If the client you've select already has open accounts, please have a look at this tutorial to see how to move the booking onto an existing account.

Booking has now been moved to a new account under a different client.

Now that you have moved the account, you will be able to see that the account has moved over to the new client.

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