3. NightsBridge Offline Calendar (V6)

When Would I Need to Generate an Invoice for a Client?

NightsBridge allows you to generate 2 different kinds of invoices, proformas and tax invoices. In this section, we're going to explain the differences between the 2 documents and when you should be using them.


The proforma invoice is used in order to establish a sale. This means that if someone is booking with you and they have not paid anything yet, you would need to send them a proforma invoice so that they can see what they owe you.

At this point, the sale may not be successful and so it's a good idea to just keep it on a proforma.


The invoice is a legal document as there are tax implications for both the buyer (the guest) and the supplier (you).

It's important that you therefore only generate a tax invoice when the sale has been confirmed. Generally this would be when the guest is leaving as they may be running a tab or they would've bought extras during their stay with you.

Sometimes companies require a tax invoice in advance in order to pay you. This is fine as long as the sale has been confirmed and the agent is happy with the dates, details, extras, etc. but it would mean that if there are any additional charges incurred on the booking, you will need to charge it to a separate account.

Once an invoice has been generate, you can no longer add additional items (bookings, extras) to the invoice.

It's very important to understand that this is completely dependent on the specific scenario that you're dealing with.

You need to make sure that you've asked your client what they would prefer and then work from there.

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