3. NightsBridge Offline Calendar (V6)

How do I capture a refund payment I made to a client?

This tutorial will explain how to enter a refund you've made to a client after already receiving payment from the client. A common scenario is when the booking is cancelled.

Essentially, you will enter a negative payment with the same amount which you refunded to the client. This way, your accounts will be correct when running reports.

Open the NightsBridge calendar (PCBridge)

Click here for a tutorial explaining how to open the NightsBridge calendar (PCBridge).

Open the booking and then the account to be refunded.

Firstly, double-click on the specific booking to open the Booking Details window.

Secondly, in the account information section, click on the button with the calculator icon to open the account which the booking is linked to.

Click on Payments and then Add Payments

Click the payments button which will open a window (called "Payments") displaying all payments been entered.

As you can see from this example, 1 payment has already been entered - an amount of R650.00 (deposit of 50% of the total booking value of R1300.00) was paid via credit card on 11 April 2016.


Click on the Add Payments button which will open a new window called "Payments Received".

Refund the payment

Payment Received

In the Payments Received window, do the following:

1 - Enter the date on which you processed the refund.

2 - Choose the payment method used to pay the refund:

We recommend refunding the client in the same manner as you received the original payment wherever possible.

If the client paid using their credit card, refund the payment back into their credit card rather than giving them cash or doing a bank transfer / EFT.

3 - Enter the payment as a negative amount.

Enter the amount which you refunded to the client as a negative amount.

In this example, we received a deposit payment of R650.00 which was made via credit card on 11 April 2016, and we want to refund the client with the full amount of R650.00 which was originally deducted from their credit card.

4 - Enter the payment reference:

Type something into the payment reference field which will make it clear that you refunded the client for this booking, e.g. Refund Booking ID 178.

Click on save then exit.

The negative payment now appears in the list of payments received as a refund of the previous payment.

The total of payments received and outstanding balance on the account has been updated accordingly.

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