Occupancy by pax (guests) is calculated as the no. of guests booked /no. possible nights that could have been sold in a period.
Our Occupancy Calculator can provide you with this information if you want to compare your occupancy across different periods of time.
Access the occupancy calculator
- Click on Tools.
- Click on Occupancy.
Select the dates for which you would like to calculate the occupancy
Note the default information
- The full current month is selected.
- All rooms are selected.
Change the dates to the period for which you want to view occupancy
- Change the dates in Select Dates. In this example, we want to know the occupancy for the month of July 2022.
Select the room(s) for which you would like to calculate the occupancy
In this example, we want to know the occupancy of Room 1 only.
Click on 'Calculate by Beds'
Occupancy % will be given for the rooms selected
This will calculate the total amount of guests that can occupy the rooms and nights you selected.
- In this example:
- Rooms: No. available rooms = 1
- Nights: No. rooms x no. bed nights. 31 days X 2 bed nights = 62 beds that can be sold.
- Sold: How many beds sold in the period = 24.
- Occupancy: No. beds sold/no. bed nights. 24/62=38.7%