3. NightsBridge Offline Calendar (V6)

How do I make a reservation with auto expire?

Reserving a booking with Auto Expire acts like a provisional booking, but cancels automatically after a set period. You will set the date and time for expiry.

Once it reaches expiry date, the room will be freed up online.
When you synchronise your calendar, the booking will be removed from system and an e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address to confirm.

NOTE: expired reservations will appear as cancelled by System.

Open the NightsBridge calendar

Open the appropriate booking.

Find and double-click on the booking, that will need its status changed, to open it.

Change the status of the booking.

In the Booking Information section, click on the "Status" drop down menu.

Scroll down and click on "Reserved with Auto Expire."

Set the expiry date & time.

The last step will activate a calendar.

Click on it to enter your chosen expiry date and time.  

To change the date you can:
- click on the day/month/year and the enter value in on your keyboard, OR
- click on the dropdown and choosing a day on the calendar.

Similarly, to change the time, click in either the hour or minutes fields and append accordingly.
Toggle between AM - PM by selecting it and either:
- using the arrow (direction) keys on your keyboard, OR
typing "A" for AM and/or P for "PM".

Save your changes, exit and Synchronise.

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