3. NightsBridge Offline Calendar (V6)

How to personalise your registration template

You can print a registrations document from NightsBridge on guest arrival. This enables you to get additional information that was not previously provided. Please look at our articles on how to generate registration documents if you need more information on this.

You can personalise your Registration Template by adding your property's logo.

Open your NightsBridge calendar

Please look at our article on how to access your NightsBridge calendar if you need more information on how to do that.

Open the Registration Template

  1. Click on Templates.
  2. Click on Registration.

The template will open in Microsoft Word or your computer's default word processing application.

  1. Place your cursor above the Guest Registration heading.
  2. Click on Insert.
  3. Choose Pictures.
  1. Navigate and choose the file containing your property's logo. In this example, the logo is called "Capture.PNG".
  2. Click to Insert.

The logo will be added in the place you put your cursor.

Save your changes

Click to Save the changes you have just made.

Click on Save.

The changes will be applied the next time you generate a registration document.

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